The Marco-Durbin-gang of 8
“immigration bill” is just terrible and delusional in so many ways. It is an
abdication of the first orders of the government of a free people: Protect the
citizens and ensure their rights. President Obama said that we are a “nation of
immigrants and the rule of law”; he got that half right. I keep hearing that we
must create a “pathway to citizenship.” What, we don’t have ceremonies that
include taking an oath for new citizens? What some want is special treatment
for certain people. While people who follow the law languish for years awaiting
legal status, we are to grant that privilege overnight to millions who flout
our laws. I have a problem accepting the fairness of that. There is also a
fallacy that everyone who comes here want to become citizens; this whole new
law is built around such flawed reasoning.
We do not have a “broken” immigration system; we have one where
some laws are ignored and others selectively enforced. Sanctuary cities and
even sanctuary states thrive while Arizona is told to cease and desist in their
enforcement of immigration laws. If there are problems, they can be addressed
in fewer than 1,000 pages. The solution proposed in this new megabill is to
write a new law to enforce current law. In 2006, Congress directed that some
700 miles of fencing would be built along the Southern border; they stopped
around mile marker 36. If Government refused to enforce the law before, what
makes you think they will do so afterwards? In
fact, the Secretary of Homeland Security is not even require to enhance
border security.
Key points of the new law:
Self-identify to
authorities that you are here illegally; go “to the end of the line”; give up
healthcare and welfare benefits.
incentive is there to gain “legal status”, when you can continue to receive benefits
without fear that anyone will harass you?
Learn English.
would never be enforced. Are we really going to deport those who fail this
requirement? As a policy, I find it nativist and discriminatory anyway.
Immigrants should still be required to pass a citizenship test, and all
official Federal government acts should be done in English; however I oppose
forcing the English language on those who choose not to learn or lack the
aptitude to learn.
Must have a job.
for--anything. This provision is filled with exclusions and can be waived
cannot have open borders with an unfettered welfare state. The new immigrants
will certainly undercut wages and contribute to our high unemployment rate.
Pay a fine and
back taxes.
is going to assess the taxes, and based on what? And if someone refuses to pay?
There are no enforcement mechanisms.
I think it is unconscionable
that we allow criminals to stroll across the border at will to terrorize those
who we have welcomed legally. I am of mind that many immigrants have come here
for safety and to leave behind the lawlessness of their previous country. This
bill allows those with up to two DUI’s to claim legal status. There is no
telling how many gang members and criminals this will grant amnesty to, and
then we won’t deport them.
It is fanciful to think that
those who have broken our laws, taken advantage of our welfare system, and fly
the flag of their home country will suddenly become patriotic, responsible
Citizens. I am ALL FOR Legal immigrants. I welcome and commend those who wish
to come here and be part of the American society. Those who have endured
hardships and have become citizens are some of the most loyal Americans
anywhere. Whatever we do, it should be for the best interests of the United
States; this “reform” measure offers no benefits. Secure the damn border FIRST
in the interest of national Security and safety. Then we can talk.